Funded by HRSA to support 200-300 Behavioral Health Workforce Development (BHWD) grantees across the country. BHE-TAC is funded to provide technical assistance, develop learning collaboratives, conduct ongoing evaluations, develop and maintain a center website and …
Month: July 2023
CASA-CHESS: Spanish language smartphone app to prevent relapse
The proposed project will purchase Smartphones and equip them with an enhanced version of CASA-CHESS, adapted and translated into Spanish from the Addiction Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System (A-CHESS), an evidence based practice. The proposed …
FAM-CHESS: Family-focused vs. Drinker-focused Smartphone Interventions to Reduce Drinking-related Consequences of COVID-19
This R01 project will test whether an evidence-based smartphone app that is developed for heavy drinkers plus a family member partner and that offers services related to alcohol/substance use, COVID, and couple behavioral therapy will …
Fostering MOUD Use in Justice Populations
Funded by NIH the Helping to End Addiction Long-Term (HEAL), Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN) grants are the first of its kind collaboration of multiple research institutions and two newly created centers that provide …
Great Lakes Addiction Technology Transfer Center (GL-ATTC)
Funded by SAMHSA to provide training and technical assistance to the addiction treatment workforce in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH &WI. The Great Lakes ATTC helps people and organizations implement evidence-based practices …
Great Lakes Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (GL-MHTTC)
Funded by SAMHSA to provide training and technical assistance to the mental health and co-occurring disorders treatment workforce in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, & WI. The Great Lakes MHTTC helps people …
Great Lakes Prevention Technology Transfer Center (GL-PTTC)
Funded by SAMHSA to provide training and technical assistance to the substance use disorder prevention services workforce in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, & WI. The Great Lakes PTTC helps people and …
No-Show Prevention Practices in Dental Care Settings Serving Underserved Populations
Funded by the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DENTAL & CRANIOFACIAL RESEARCH this grant will look to improve no show rates for underserved populations in dental care settings. Using Motivational Interviewing techniques when scheduling appointments, conducting reminder …
Peer Recovery Center of Excellence
The Peer CoE is a SAMHSA funded Technical Assistance (TA) center to enhance the field of peer recorvery services. The Peer Recovery Center of Excellence (Peer CoE) is led by University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) …
Testing of a Patient-centered E-health Implementation Model in Addiction Treatment
We will test the effectiveness of the Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment-Technology Implementation framework in implementing the A-CHESS substance use disorder treatment and recovery app at 16 treatment organizations in Iowa. Mobile phone …